( ARTICLES )

( if you language problem please select the right side translate function in your language )

. Fill in the blanks with A/an where necessary ( if there is no need a / an / the put a cross mark [×] )

day 3 coming soon .............

DAY -2 

Fill in the blanks with A / An where nessary : 

1. ............. apple  fell from  ........... tree .
2. ............ Italian came to see me .......... hour ago .
3. copper is ............. useful metal  .
4. he is honest  ................. .
5. the children found .............. egg in the nest .
6. he bought ........... horse   .....  ox and ......... buffalo .
7. mohan looks as stupid as .............. owl .
8. have you ............. cigarette .
9. there is .............. instrument box on the table .
10. she is ................ untidy girl .

ans - 1. an, a 2. an ,an 3. a, 4. * 5. an 6. a, an , a 7. an 8. a 9. an 10. an  

DAY - 1

1. ....... M.A.
2. ........ S.D.O.
3. ........ N.C.C. officer
4. ......... of
5. ......... elephant
6. ......... Owl
7. ......... Egg
8. .......... Inkoot
9. .......... Orange
10. ........ Oxen

( 1. An , 2. An, 3. An , 4. An , 5. An , 6. An , 7. An , 8. An , 9. An , 10 . × )